Download Positron

Find out what you need to know to get started using Positron, then download the installer for your platform.

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Please review Positron’s license agreement and privacy policy. Your acceptance of this license agreement and privacy policy is required as a condition to proceeding with your download or use of the software.

Platform Download Size
Windows 10, 11 x64 (system level install) Positron-2025.03.0-116-Setup.exe 267M
Windows 10, 11 x64 (user level install) Positron-2025.03.0-116-UserSetup.exe 267M
MacOS 10.15+ (universal) Positron-2025.03.0-116.dmg 695M
Debian-based Linux x64 (Ubuntu 20+) Positron-2025.03.0-116-x64.deb 264M
Debian-based Linux arm64 (Ubuntu 20+) Positron-2025.03.0-116-arm64.deb 256M
Red Hat-based Linux x64 (RHEL8) Positron-2025.03.0-116-x64.rpm 302M
Red Hat-based Linux arm64 (RHEL8) Positron-2025.03.0-116-arm64.rpm 294M

Older releases are available on GitHub.